Modernization of the Home Economics and Agricultural School in Herrenberg.

In the workshop, the variable continuous lighting system VLG-F provides optimum lighting conditions. Individual daylight and presence sensors help make this a highly economical solution.


Products Used


LINIA Projects

Ring-Textilservice, Waiblingen

Ring-Textilservice, Waiblingen

Ring-Textilservice GmbH is a one-stop-shop for textiles and professional clothing in the areas of industry and trades
Banana Ripening Warehouse

Banana Ripening Warehouse

We supplied LINIA Continuous lighting busbar system as an upgrade and replacement of the existing discharge lamps
Stammherr GmbH

Stammherr GmbH

Stammherr in Waiblingen is one of the region’s most innovative folding specialists
Elgiganten Fields, KBH

Elgiganten Fields, KBH

Elgiganten Fields in Copenhagen optimizes significantly on energy and the environment by switching to LINIA LED lighting.